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02-17-2015, 07:49 AM
برامج الهندسة الصوتية اليكم برنامج - Sampletekk WG2 MkII Studio Grand Piano
When we recorded the White Grand and the White Sister our goal was not to create ”the ultimate Grand Piano”. Since a Grand Piano can be used in so many ways, from playing Mozart to hammer out Jerry Lee or Little Richard stuff and everything in between, we realized that there isn’t anything that could be considered ”The ultimate Grand Piano” in the world of multisampled instruments
We wanted to make the ”Ultimate Studio Grand Piano” that would work in a recording session for more contemporary styles of music. It would simply sit well in a mix!
We very lucky enough to find this fantastic instrument, an old, LARGE, Malmsjö Grand piano from around 1910, that had the clarity needed to work in a modern production, but also, at the same time, had the richness at well contoured bass side that would provide the power needed on the lower part of the keyboard without getting muddy.
We recorded two versions using different microphone combinations. One close and one a bit more ambient. The first resulted in the White Grand, and the second in the White Sister.
16 velocity levels
More than 2900 samples
TimeVel Release Technology ™
Sympathetic Resonance
Real Pedaling
Controllable volume for key/pedal noise
Two different mixable microphone perspectives
Controllable volume for Sympathetic Resonance and Resonance
24 bit 44.1 stereo samples
les caractéristiques du programme en français
Essayez avec cette orthographe : When we recorded the White Grand and the White Sister our goal was not to create ”the ultimate Grand Piano”. Since a Grand Piano can be used in so many ways, from playing Mozart to hammer out Jerry Lee or Little Richard stuff and everything in between, we realized that there isn’t anything that could be considered ”The ultimate Grand Piano” in the world of multi sampled instruments We wanted to make the ”Ultimate Studio Grand Piano” that would work in a recording session for more contemporary styles of music. It would simply sit well in a mix! We very lucky enough to find this fantastic instrument, an old, LARGE, Malmsjö Grand piano from around 1910, that had the clarity needed to work in a modern production, but also, at the same time, had the richness at well contoured bass side that would provide the power needed on the lower part of the keyboard without getting muddy. We recorded two versions using different microphone combinations. One close and one a bit more ambient. The first resulted in the White Grand, and the second in the White Sister. 16 velocity levels More than 2900 samples TimeVel Release Technology ™ Sympathetic Resonance Real Pedaling Controllable volume for key/pedal noise Two different mixable microphone perspectives Controllable volume for Sympathetic Resonance and Resonance 24 bit 44.1 stereo samples
Quand on a enregistré le Grand Blanc et Sœur White notre objectif ne était pas de créer "le Grand Piano ultime". Depuis un Grand Piano peut être utilisé à bien des égards, de jouer Mozart à forger Jerry Lee ou Little Richard choses et tout le reste, nous avons réalisé qu'il n'y a rien qui puisse être considéré comme «Le Grand Piano ultime" dans le monde instruments de multisamplées
Nous voulions faire le "Ultimate Studio Grand Piano», qui travaillerait en une session d'enregistrement pour des styles plus contemporains de la musique. Il serait tout simplement se asseoir bien dans un mix!
Nous très assez chanceux pour trouver cet instrument fantastique, un vieux, LARGE, Malmsjö piano à queue du monde 1910, qui avait la clarté nécessaire pour travailler dans une production moderne, mais aussi, en même temps, a eu la richesse au côté puits de basse profilée qui fournirait la puissance nécessaire sur la partie inférieure du clavier sans devenir boueux.
Nous avons enregistré deux versions utilisant différentes combinaisons de microphones. Une étroite et une un peu plus ambiant. La première a abouti à Grand Blanc, et le second dans la Sœur White.
16 niveaux de vélocité
Plus de 2900 échantillons
TimeVel sortie Technology ™
résonance sympathique
Pédaler réel
Le volume réglable pour clavier / bruit de pédale
Deux perspectives de microphones différents miscibles
Le volume contrôlable pour sympathique et Resonance Resonance
24 bits 44,1 échantillons stéréo
ميزات البرنامج مترجمة باللغة العربية
Essayez avec cette orthographe : When we recorded the White Grand and the White Sister our goal was not to create ”the ultimate Grand Piano”. Since a Grand Piano can be used in so many ways, from playing Mozart to hammer out Jerry Lee or Little Richard stuff and everything in between, we realized that there isn’t anything that could be considered ”The ultimate Grand Piano” in the world of multi sampled instruments We wanted to make the ”Ultimate Studio Grand Piano” that would work in a recording session for more contemporary styles of music. It would simply sit well in a mix! We very lucky enough to find this fantastic instrument, an old, LARGE, Malmsjö Grand piano from around 1910, that had the clarity needed to work in a modern production, but also, ( at the same time, had the richness at well contoured bass side that would provide the power needed on the lower part of the keyboard without getting muddy. We recorded two versions using different microphone combinations. One close and one a bit more ambient. The first resulted in the White Grand, and the second in the White Sister. 16 velocity levels More than 2900 samples TimeVel Release Technology ™ Sympathetic Resonance Real Pedaling Controllable volume for key/pedal noise Two different mixable microphone perspectives Controllable volume for Sympathetic Resonance and Resonance 24 bit 44.1 stereo samples
عندما سجلنا جراند الأبيض والأخت الأبيض لم يكن هدفنا هو خلق "على بيانو في نهاية المطاف". منذ بيانو كبير يمكن استخدامها في العديد من الطرق، من اللعب موزارت للتوصل جيري لي أو ليتل ريتشارد الاشياء وبين في كل شيء، أدركنا أنه لا يوجد أي شيء يمكن أن يعتبر "البيانو الكبير النهائي" في العالم صكوك multisampled
أردنا أن نجعل "في نهاية المطاف ستوديو بيانو" التي من شأنها أن تعمل في جلسة تسجيل لمزيد من الأساليب المعاصرة للموسيقى. انها ببساطة الجلوس بشكل جيد في مزيج!
كنا محظوظين جدا بما فيه الكفاية للعثور على هذا الصك رائعة، قديمة، كبيرة، Malmsjö الكبرى البيانو من جميع أنحاء عام 1910. وهذا كان وضوح اللازمة للعمل في هدف إنتاج aussi الحديث، في الوقت سامي، كان ثراء لم احيط جيدا الجانب باس هل أن توفير الطاقة اللازمة في الجزء السفلي من لوحة المفاتيح دون الحصول على الموحلة.
سجلنا نسختين باستخدام تركيبات ميكروفون مختلفة. واحد وثيقة واحدة الجو أكثر قليلا. وأدى أول مرة في الأبيض الكبير، والثانية في الأخت الأبيض.
16 مستويات السرعة
أكثر من 2900 عينات
TimeVel الإصدار تقنية ™
الرنين متعاطفة
تهديداتها الحقيقية
حجم السيطرة عليها لمفتاح / الضوضاء دواسة
منظورين مختلفين ميكروفون قابل للمزج
حجم السيطرة عليها لمتعاطف الرنين والرنين
44.1 عينات ستيريو 24 بت
لمزيد التفاصيل عن البرنامج تابع عبر الرابط التالي
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When we recorded the White Grand and the White Sister our goal was not to create ”the ultimate Grand Piano”. Since a Grand Piano can be used in so many ways, from playing Mozart to hammer out Jerry Lee or Little Richard stuff and everything in between, we realized that there isn’t anything that could be considered ”The ultimate Grand Piano” in the world of multisampled instruments
We wanted to make the ”Ultimate Studio Grand Piano” that would work in a recording session for more contemporary styles of music. It would simply sit well in a mix!
We very lucky enough to find this fantastic instrument, an old, LARGE, Malmsjö Grand piano from around 1910, that had the clarity needed to work in a modern production, but also, at the same time, had the richness at well contoured bass side that would provide the power needed on the lower part of the keyboard without getting muddy.
We recorded two versions using different microphone combinations. One close and one a bit more ambient. The first resulted in the White Grand, and the second in the White Sister.
16 velocity levels
More than 2900 samples
TimeVel Release Technology ™
Sympathetic Resonance
Real Pedaling
Controllable volume for key/pedal noise
Two different mixable microphone perspectives
Controllable volume for Sympathetic Resonance and Resonance
24 bit 44.1 stereo samples
les caractéristiques du programme en français
Essayez avec cette orthographe : When we recorded the White Grand and the White Sister our goal was not to create ”the ultimate Grand Piano”. Since a Grand Piano can be used in so many ways, from playing Mozart to hammer out Jerry Lee or Little Richard stuff and everything in between, we realized that there isn’t anything that could be considered ”The ultimate Grand Piano” in the world of multi sampled instruments We wanted to make the ”Ultimate Studio Grand Piano” that would work in a recording session for more contemporary styles of music. It would simply sit well in a mix! We very lucky enough to find this fantastic instrument, an old, LARGE, Malmsjö Grand piano from around 1910, that had the clarity needed to work in a modern production, but also, at the same time, had the richness at well contoured bass side that would provide the power needed on the lower part of the keyboard without getting muddy. We recorded two versions using different microphone combinations. One close and one a bit more ambient. The first resulted in the White Grand, and the second in the White Sister. 16 velocity levels More than 2900 samples TimeVel Release Technology ™ Sympathetic Resonance Real Pedaling Controllable volume for key/pedal noise Two different mixable microphone perspectives Controllable volume for Sympathetic Resonance and Resonance 24 bit 44.1 stereo samples
Quand on a enregistré le Grand Blanc et Sœur White notre objectif ne était pas de créer "le Grand Piano ultime". Depuis un Grand Piano peut être utilisé à bien des égards, de jouer Mozart à forger Jerry Lee ou Little Richard choses et tout le reste, nous avons réalisé qu'il n'y a rien qui puisse être considéré comme «Le Grand Piano ultime" dans le monde instruments de multisamplées
Nous voulions faire le "Ultimate Studio Grand Piano», qui travaillerait en une session d'enregistrement pour des styles plus contemporains de la musique. Il serait tout simplement se asseoir bien dans un mix!
Nous très assez chanceux pour trouver cet instrument fantastique, un vieux, LARGE, Malmsjö piano à queue du monde 1910, qui avait la clarté nécessaire pour travailler dans une production moderne, mais aussi, en même temps, a eu la richesse au côté puits de basse profilée qui fournirait la puissance nécessaire sur la partie inférieure du clavier sans devenir boueux.
Nous avons enregistré deux versions utilisant différentes combinaisons de microphones. Une étroite et une un peu plus ambiant. La première a abouti à Grand Blanc, et le second dans la Sœur White.
16 niveaux de vélocité
Plus de 2900 échantillons
TimeVel sortie Technology ™
résonance sympathique
Pédaler réel
Le volume réglable pour clavier / bruit de pédale
Deux perspectives de microphones différents miscibles
Le volume contrôlable pour sympathique et Resonance Resonance
24 bits 44,1 échantillons stéréo
ميزات البرنامج مترجمة باللغة العربية
Essayez avec cette orthographe : When we recorded the White Grand and the White Sister our goal was not to create ”the ultimate Grand Piano”. Since a Grand Piano can be used in so many ways, from playing Mozart to hammer out Jerry Lee or Little Richard stuff and everything in between, we realized that there isn’t anything that could be considered ”The ultimate Grand Piano” in the world of multi sampled instruments We wanted to make the ”Ultimate Studio Grand Piano” that would work in a recording session for more contemporary styles of music. It would simply sit well in a mix! We very lucky enough to find this fantastic instrument, an old, LARGE, Malmsjö Grand piano from around 1910, that had the clarity needed to work in a modern production, but also, ( at the same time, had the richness at well contoured bass side that would provide the power needed on the lower part of the keyboard without getting muddy. We recorded two versions using different microphone combinations. One close and one a bit more ambient. The first resulted in the White Grand, and the second in the White Sister. 16 velocity levels More than 2900 samples TimeVel Release Technology ™ Sympathetic Resonance Real Pedaling Controllable volume for key/pedal noise Two different mixable microphone perspectives Controllable volume for Sympathetic Resonance and Resonance 24 bit 44.1 stereo samples
عندما سجلنا جراند الأبيض والأخت الأبيض لم يكن هدفنا هو خلق "على بيانو في نهاية المطاف". منذ بيانو كبير يمكن استخدامها في العديد من الطرق، من اللعب موزارت للتوصل جيري لي أو ليتل ريتشارد الاشياء وبين في كل شيء، أدركنا أنه لا يوجد أي شيء يمكن أن يعتبر "البيانو الكبير النهائي" في العالم صكوك multisampled
أردنا أن نجعل "في نهاية المطاف ستوديو بيانو" التي من شأنها أن تعمل في جلسة تسجيل لمزيد من الأساليب المعاصرة للموسيقى. انها ببساطة الجلوس بشكل جيد في مزيج!
كنا محظوظين جدا بما فيه الكفاية للعثور على هذا الصك رائعة، قديمة، كبيرة، Malmsjö الكبرى البيانو من جميع أنحاء عام 1910. وهذا كان وضوح اللازمة للعمل في هدف إنتاج aussi الحديث، في الوقت سامي، كان ثراء لم احيط جيدا الجانب باس هل أن توفير الطاقة اللازمة في الجزء السفلي من لوحة المفاتيح دون الحصول على الموحلة.
سجلنا نسختين باستخدام تركيبات ميكروفون مختلفة. واحد وثيقة واحدة الجو أكثر قليلا. وأدى أول مرة في الأبيض الكبير، والثانية في الأخت الأبيض.
16 مستويات السرعة
أكثر من 2900 عينات
TimeVel الإصدار تقنية ™
الرنين متعاطفة
تهديداتها الحقيقية
حجم السيطرة عليها لمفتاح / الضوضاء دواسة
منظورين مختلفين ميكروفون قابل للمزج
حجم السيطرة عليها لمتعاطف الرنين والرنين
44.1 عينات ستيريو 24 بت
لمزيد التفاصيل عن البرنامج تابع عبر الرابط التالي
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